Thursday, 19 May 2011

One Bullet into Thirty!

You know that situation where you've got loads of enemies coming at you and you're down to your last bullet? Of course you do. Every has been there at one point in their gaming life.
Well on Fallout: New Vegas there actually is a glitch that allows you to get back up to thirty bullets again even if you only have one bullet and no other mags.

Just check out the video below.

Ghosts With Guns!

Okay, okay. So I fibbed a bit. It's not really ghosts but it still doesn't explain why and how the gun is just floating in the picture below.

The weird thing was though; after I went and retrieved said gun from the Super Mutant it was still floating there in the air. Obviously the game still thought it was there.
It would be nice if it was able to clone itself (as in me going back to the mutants body and able to keep picking them up) but still no such luck.
But then again the big RPG games such as Fallout 3, New Vegas and Oblivion are always full of random and unexpected glitches. So who knows?

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Goodsprings Settler Likes to Try and Take Shortcuts I Guess

So here I am, minding my own business. Walking out of that sallon place in Goodsprings, going to recruit people when all of a sudden I see this guy trying (and failing) to walk through the bar.

Now, I don't know what they guy was doing prior to this. Whether he was trying to make a quick getaway after he heard me walking in or whether he was just trying to connect to BBC 1 Radio, I honestly don't know.
But what I do know is that has got to f***ing hurt!

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Never Trust a Desk ...

You want to know why? Because they glitch. Just take a look at the screenshot below and see for yourself.


Well, okay. Not every desk glitches ... In fact none of them do. But this one, it seems, wants to rebel against all that and has decided that it does want to be a desk that glitches.
At first I thought some sort of Easter Egg would be in one of the drawers seeing as you can practically go through them but no such luck. Which, I think, is a shame because it's the perfact place to put one.
Treyarch, however, obviously decided that it wasn't.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Is Thane Some Sort of Drell God?

Thane (Mass Effect 2) is a Drell assassin. Hired for Shepards mission because he is the best ...

... But is he also a god?

Okay, no. He isn't. But that still doesn't explain the way he cannot die in the picture below. I mean, look at him! Standing high with his sniper rifle, laughing as each Collector he kills drops.
He's a Drell version of Superman. Super ... Drell?

I dunno, I have nothing. Anyways if anyone on the internet can explain this then please do.

See how Thane's not registered at the bottom next to Grunt?


Thane lost his powers when we made it too the Reaper. :(

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Two Emile's? Did He Survive Reach?

You may have seen this floating around the internet, it happened to me a few months back ... In the first week of Halo: Reach coming out actually so I guess I can't really say a "few months" more like several.
Anyways there I was just making my way through the level when I see another Emile walk right passed me.

So it all comes down to this question: Does Emile really die?

"Yes he dies. You see him get stabbed by an Elite" - Random Guy

Yes, that's true but lets open up that dustbox of an imagination of yours for a few minutes. After he got stabbed he could've just gone into a state of shock, stole a DeLorean and travelled back in time to prevent himself from doing it again ... Anyone? No?
Well alright, that does seem a little farfetched (okay a lot). But you've got to admit it's a pretty cool glitch ... Even though it wasn't an improvement to the battle.

I cannot even to begin to tell you people how many people have thought that this was a friend posing as Emile.
But as we all know that nobody can full replicate Emile's armour. Let's break it down:

His visor colour is not gold, nor is it black, blue or silver.
If you were to have red as a secondary colour then your leg armour would change as well.
His Breacher appears on the right of him, whereas players can only attach it to the left.
Also, you cannot get his leg attachment either ... This is quite a big giveaway.

I've left it to too many people to make up their minds about it, so here's the final verdict: It IS real. It's not a friend, nor is it hacking.

This Hunter Play's Call of Duty It Seems ...

This happened not so long ago so I thought that, to kick start off this blog, we should have a more recent one.
This happened in Firefight Matchmaking and, seeing as the Hunter somehow managed to lunge at the Warthog, both me and a friend agreed that this Hunter obviously play's Call of Duty because of his ability to use Commando Pro.

I mean, how else can you explain his insanely overpowered skills to attack from afar?
If this Hunter's starting some weird cross-gaming stuff then soon all the other Hunter's could be doing it as well and, I tell you something, that's when I'll be running for the hills.

Hunter's are almost unbeatable on Legendary as it is, but imagine if they started to use Commando Pro and suddenly lunge at you with those big-arse shields of theirs ... I'm just saying ...